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What You Must Do Before You Buy Your Ticket To Hill Station This Summer?

by Prashant Paul on April 26, 2018

It is summer time once again and the mercury is already touching 40 in Northern India. The summers as always are difficult to bear in the northern plains where it gets really hot. So as the summer time is around people start packing their bags and head north to enjoy the cool climes of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. However, the hills over the years have also changed, where once it was clean unpolluted air are today facing the worse kind of pollution – the pollution from diesel engines of commercial vehicles and cars that ferry tourists to these places. Since the air in the hills is heavy the pollution stays at a low level and floats around. This becomes so unbearable sometimes that the asthma patients and old people, in particular, find it worse than the air pollution in the plains.

Besides, as most people not only just to stay there but for indulging in some sort of fun activities, the pollution quotient becomes one of the biggest deterrents. Many people can be heard saying that it was better back home, why did we come to this place to choke ourselves.

When Pure Air Is Hard To Get

But this then would be a bad idea; why should someone lock in one’s house because the air in the hills is polluted with diesel smoke.

Though the government would do well to ensure that the clean fuel is used and the sanctity of the pure oxygen-rich mountain air is preserved, you will have to ensure that you and your family do not miss either the excitement of visiting the hills without suffering the consequences of diesel laden air there. The best way to do is to have a pollution mask and wear it as long as you are on the road with a multitude of taxis and trucks. These particles from the exhaust directly enter the human body undetected and cause irreparable damage and diseases like kidney problems, heart problems, and even cancer.

Vogmask is promoted and marketed by Nirvana Being the company which has made a name for itself in gadgets fighting pollution. Vogmask is the premier filtering face mask, and it is loaded with N99 filter, active carbon and exhale valve.

It is stylish and reusable and even washable.

The Water Challenge

Yet another challenge for the people going to the hills is safe and clean drinking water.

Here again, Nirvana Being can come for your help. It sells carbon filter water bottle “Bobble” which can be your life safer on the trip. This is plastic bottle fitted with a carbon filter which can convert the ordinary tap water into clean & safe drinking water in minutes. These bottles have become very popular due to their sheer utility and cost-effectiveness while a liter of mineral water comes for Rs. 15 you get an unlimited supply of safe drinking water without paying for each bottle. Bobble has an integrated silicone carry cap for an enhanced experience. Bobble has a carbon filter & it is designed to remove the taste and odour of chlorine from municipal tap water, resulting in a cleaner, crisper taste. Its filter cap is Soft-touch and bottle itself is free of BPA and PVC. Nirvana being imported this bottle from the USA and markets it in India. The bottle comes in 18.5oz / 550mL. While the filter lasts for approx 2 months or 150 liters, the bobble can be used again and again, and each filter lasts for 300 refills.

Also, this is sustainable as opposed to leaving plastic waste from using dozens of mineral water bottle in the hills.

Stay Safe To Enjoy The Hills!

Another issue that was nonexistent in the hill stations has slowly crept in. Anyone who has been visiting the hill stations would vouch for the failing law and order situation there. While earlier people left their homes unlocked when they went out but not anymore; not only the crime rate has steadily risen over the years but even the women safety has also become a major cause of concern. Many young girls go to hills for adventure sports, camping and other activities and they have to go deep in into jungles and remote areas.

This then puts them at serious risk and they must think about their safety and security first before venturing into areas which are remote and have a scarce police presence. Indeed it is always a good idea to go to such places with a local guide and in a group which ensures better safety. When you engage an adventure company makes sure you check its credentials and reputation before doing so.

Many times unauthorized agencies jump into this business to make a fast buck in the tourist season, they neither have proper permissions or expertise to make your trip safe and secure. Indeed it is always a good idea to have something with you which can come handy should a situation arise.

The pepper spray has emerged as a very reliable and functional device to help you in a threat situation. It is highly recommended by security experts and has been found very effective the world over. The self-protection pepper spray is a can of a highly irritating compound which can be sprayed on an assailant from as far as 10 to 15 feet. When it is sprayed on the face, eyes, and nose, in particular, it causes excruciating pain and the attacker is instantly immobilized for at least 15 minutes, time enough for you to escape the situation and call for help. It comes in a spray can which can be easily kept in a bag. The best part is that you don’t need any training to use it; just aim and shoot without warning to take the assailant by surprise and run from the scene. However, it is a good idea to practice it if you are buying it for the first time so that you understand its range and how to use it quickly. It is completely legal in India and does not require a license here. You must keep it with you all the time while traveling because you never know when you might need it. Keep it in a place where you can reach it is quick.

Another device that has now become a standard the world over is personal security alarm. It is indeed a noisy device but its noise can make you safe. When pressed it raises an alarm which can be heard from a distance. It works on two levels one it attracts people nearby who could come to your help and secondly it un-nerves the assailant who feels that if he doesn’t run from the scene he would be caught and his chances of getting away would be very small.

A handheld personal security alarm is like a security system for your body. It is just like keeping an alarm in your house to warn against intruders. You can keep this personal body alarm concealed in your palm when you need urgent help. Whether it’s the key ring that you always have when you’re on the go or any other design personal alarms help you reach out for help right when you need it most. Personal alarms for women, children, and others available on the market today are a good option as they are cheap and effective. Thanks to their compact size, high functionality, and quality design, they offer great value for money as they are convenient and trustworthy. They come in all sizes and shapes - from a sport and safety horn to a keychain alarm - personal alarm devices are easily available in the market. It would be important to note that these personal safety alarms must be used with utmost care. They complement your safety plan but are not enough. So you could buy it with a pepper spray for maximum protection. Do invest in personal alarm before you head to hills; it can help you attract attention and deter attackers in dangerous situations in remote areas.


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