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anti pollution mask
anti pollution mask
anti pollution mask
anti pollution mask
anti pollution mask
anti pollution mask
anti pollution mask
anti pollution mask
anti pollution mask
anti pollution mask
anti pollution mask
anti pollution mask
anti pollution mask
Nirvana Anti Pollution Mask

Nirvana Anti Pollution Mask

Rs. 395.00
  • SKU: NI1729
  • Availability: in stock Many in stock Out of stock You can purchase this product but it's out of stock
  • Product Type: Mask

  • High Viral Filtration Efficiency (VFE) of 96% (Tested)
  • Nanotechnology filter
  • Extremely low inhalation and exhalation resistance(certified)
  • Great fit and comfort
  • Reusable and washable

    Our Certifications

    Not All Masks are Created Equal

    Through years of research and experience (in India, a country with the worst air quality in the world), we have acquired significant knowledge and expertise to provide you with the best in technology and help you lead the life you desire. Ours is the only company in India that focuses solely on providing solutions based on nanotechnology, thereby offering the highest level of protection from harmful pollutants, emissions, bacteria and more.


    What Is Nirvana Mask Made Of?
    The Nirvana Mask is one of the best pollution masks consists of three layers. In the middle layer, we use an electro spun nanofiber media to provide a higher level of safety and protection and filter down to particle sizes up to 0.1 micron (including respiratory droplets and pollutants such as bacteria, pollen and other allergens) as small as 0.1 micron in size. Each face covering’s middle-layer media is estimated to contain over 25km of nanofiber in an area less than 1mm thick. The inner layer and outer layers are made of cotton.
    What Are The Safety Procedures For Handling A Face Covering?
    You have to wash your hands with soap/sanitizer before and after you touch your face covering. Only touch the face covering from the ear loops to wear and remove it. Avoid touching the outer or inner face of the face covering as it may be contaminated. In case you do come in contact with these surfaces, please wash your hands with soap, or use hand sanitizer immediately.
    How To Disinfect The Nirvana Mask?
    1. Using a UV sterilizer
    2. Sunning the mask in the day or airing it in a fanned room so that all the moisture on the mask is dry will kill any contaminant.
    Keep in mind that washing a mask does not sterilize it. Also, please do not spray sanitizer or disinfectant on the mask as it contains rubbing alcohol and may lead to discoloration of the mask.
    Do We Need To Disinfect Every Time Even If We Use The Nirvana Mask For An Hour Or Less?
    If you have been in a crowded space, then you must disinfect after every use, irrespective of the length of time of usage
    How Do We Identify That The Nirvana Mask Needs To Be Discarded?
    If the fit is compromised in any way, so that all the air on the inhale is not being forced through the face of the mask, then it is time to get a replacement. In addition, do replace your mask if the breathing resistance becomes too high.
    What Is The Process For Disposal?
    Disinfect following the above process and dispose.
    What Is The Life Of Nirvana Mask?
    Nirvana Mask offers up to 300-500 hours of usage depending on the care and maintenance. It is good for up to 10 washes.
    Can I Use A Sanitizer To Disinfect My Mask?
    Avoid using a sanitizer to disinfect your mask as it may lead to colour bleeding.
    The Mask Is So Lightweight, Does It Actually Have A Filter In The Middle Layer?
    We use nanotech fibres in the middle layer, while the inner and outer layers are made with cotton. One of our metrics is to reduce the weight of the mask to drive comfort with each version - the goal is to deliver a featherweight mask, so the user doesn’t even realise that they have a mask on.
    Is It A 3-Layer Mask?
    Yes, inner and outer layers are made using cotton and the middle is made from an electro spun nanotech filter. It is one of the best air pollution masks available in the market.
    Considering That The Mask Has Three Layers, Is It Breathable And Comfortable?
    Based on test reports of inhalation and exhalation resistance from Nelson Labs, USA, the Nirvana Mask is one of the best air pollution masks and is the most breathable mask in the category of masks with similar efficacy.




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